
Grand opening of the seven session of the five National People's Congress of Jinhua City
March 24th afternoon, the fifth session of the Seventh People's Congress of Jinhua City, the grand opening of the cultural center of the city, the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Chairman Yan Shougen presided over the meeting, mayor Chen Kunzhong as a government work report.
Chen Kunzhong's government work report is divided into five parts. He first reviewed the work of the government in 2009. He said in the report: 2009, Jinhua GDP 176 billion 600 million yuan, an increase of 9% over the previous year. Total fiscal revenue 23 billion 260 million yuan, an increase of 6.3%.
In the report, Chen Kunzhong put forward a clear goal: government work in 2010 GDP growth of 9%, total fiscal revenue, local fiscal revenue growth of 8%; expenditure of research and experimental development funds accounted for about 1.45% of the proportion of GDP; total fixed asset investment growth 11%; total retail sales of consumer goods increased 14%; total exports increased by 7% 8%; rural residents per capita net income growth; urban per capita disposable income of urban residents increased 7%; million GDP comprehensive energy consumption, COD emissions and sulfur dioxide emissions to ensure the completion of the "11th Five-Year" target; 58 thousand new jobs were created, the registered urban unemployment rate at 4%; the natural population growth rate to 6% within.
At the same time, Chen Kunzhong also proposed the general requirements in 2010 government work: conscientiously implement the spirit of the twelve plenary session of the five session of the Seventeenth Party Congress in the fourth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, and the provincial twelve plenary session of the six meeting, the municipal Party committee, the Province's economic work, adhere to Scientific Outlook on Development as a guide, around the development of city group, constructing the big Jinhua strategic masterstroke, in-depth implementation of the "the strategy of enriching the people and the city" and "industrial city", adjust the structure and development, promoting coordinated overall grasp, reform promoting innovation, improving people's livelihood and promote stability, maintain stable and rapid economic and social development and complete the "11th Five-Year" development goals and tasks, and lay a good foundation for the development of "12th Five-Year"
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